ASU Nail, Beauty Supplies & Training Academy
I.Am Acrylic Monomer 50ml

I.Am Acrylic Monomer 50ml

Product Code: IAM001
Product Tags: Nails, Acrylic, Acrylic Liquid

Brand: I.Am Nail Systems
Size: 50ml
  • €12.95 (ex VAT)
I.Am Monomer # Original ingredients offers a perfect acrylic liquid monomer for students and nail pro#s needing a little extra time for sculpting. The I.Am Monomer # Original, used in combination with I.Am Polymers offers a medium set time. This custom blend of ingredients provides superior adhesion, color stability, and a perfect balance of rigidity and toughness (virtually eliminating any chipping or cracking) in the nail enhancement. Reduced odor when used professionally and within a professional environment.

50ml #9.95
100ml #13.95
250ml #27.95
1000ml #75.95

Features & benefits

Superior adhesion
Color stability
Perfect balance of rigidity and toughness
Mix ration 1.5 - 2 parts liquid to 1 part powder
Medium set time

Combine I.Am Acrylic Powders with I.Am Monomer to create beautiful strong nails. Application time may vary depending on climate conditions. Extremely hot weather may cause the product to setup faster, or extremely cold weather conditions may cause the product to set up slower. Recommended mix ratio: 1½ parts liquid and 1 part powder. It may be necessary to slightly adjust your Monomer-Polymer ratio to the climate conditions, however this will not affect the strength or durability of the nail due to the plasticizers.
